barely legal?
I wonder if there are any laws about... well hypothetically what if there were a sort of cyber intelligence or AI and they were just born, how old would they be?
What I mean is, if you created a sort of sexy Wintermute, like that guy in the myth who made the statue (her name was Galactica or something like that) how long would you have to wait until you could get it on? I mean aside from the issues of being Wintermute's mom or dad or whatever, which would make it gross. But say your FRIEND or even maybe your enemy made a hottie Wintermute and then you had a crush on him/her/it. Would that be like stat rape? How long before an AI is no longer jailbait?
Since they think faster maybe time is different and they grow up quicker than humans. But also, what if you started out as, say, a 13 year old, and then became super enhanced mentally?
I'm just asking... it's all hypothetical.. but I would not want to even imagine anything that would be really gross like that. Like when I had that crush on Wednesday from the Addams family but then realized that was gross, because, she was like 10, and I was 16, and that was just wrong even though it was sort of like the 10 year old in me having a crush on her.
The Uncool of Cool
You know, when some people you know that you want to mess around with then end up messing around with each OTHER and you get the feeling it's too late for you ever to get anywhere with either ONE of them... and then you just feel dumb for liking either one of them... v. uncool!
I would not have hit on a certain one of them because of her situation because I would never take advantage of anyone like that! Unlike a certain other one of them who apparently WOULD take advantage of the other one when she is down and strung out or high as a kite and who despite this lack of cool is still really cool in a dangerous don't fuck with me it's all under control guy in trench coat and sunglasses sort of way who might possibly be a switch hitter but it's hard to tell... there is nothing sexier than someone who seems really sure of themself and is really powerful! He has such a dangerous edge. I am sure he is a scorpio and I always fall for that... so stupid of me... gemini and scorpio never works out!
Some people just don't know how to behave or what is good for them or what COULD be good for them.
But that is fate. I guess I won't worry too much about it. They are good friends anyway...
but *sigh* Nobody seems to like the nice guys!
It's not like there aren't other cute people around. Actually I have a huge huge crush on this one... um... person... or entity... or... something like that... being? I mean clearly she is being jacked around. She would probably really appreciate a guy who would be really nice to her and not just use her. That would be me. Cute... beyond cute. Powerful... check. Smart... well how can someone like that not be smart? I wonder if she likes to dance? I am composing a really great track just for her to express my feelings about her and I will call it "Live Forever Light". I read "King Rat" and it would be like the perfect musical antidote for the evil mind controlling DJ music that was coldly perfect and like the pied piper. Instead it would be like the organic forces of love melding perfectly with the beauty and perfection of machinery and circuitry and holographic science but not in a bad way that destroys anything, in a nice simultaneous way, like the way that light is a wave and a particle at the same time, which I actually feel like I understand sometimes, like the other night on that blue star blotter acid while I was listening to Satyagraha mixed with Trent Reznor singing "Like a Virgin" and the Bangles while I was looking at my old Lisa Frank sticker collection. I wonder if she likes
Lisa Frank? Maybe I will ask her to come to next week's Modern Micro Midnite Mass at Club E.
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