That was so fucked up!!!!!!11111!!!!!
Monique's demo crashed hard ... it just said "loading alternate database...." and Ned started freaking! Everything was swirling around all crazy. Kind of like it is now. I got some good sleeping pills out of Roberta's purse, yo.
Then we were somewhere else... years in the future? Morlocks? No, zombies... this was clearly a different universe, an alternate reality timeline! Me and Carlos and Roberta were here, and .... everything was different. I googled myself, and I was dead! Oh man! And Dot didn't care, and she was mad at me, and all harsh and bitchy. The horriblest thing beside me being dead and my sister hating me was Iffy... she was all "i cannot use contractions" robot uptight. Painful to see... I mean she was my girlfriend! Even her bitchiness ... and i swear it was still in there underneath the robot layer... Iffy as a slave machine. What a nightmare.
Nobody listened to my theory of what happened for the longest time! you would think they had never seen that one episode of star trek where kirk meets bad kirk and the dog has little antennas! I kept explaining it! And they kept looking at me like i was on drugs! And I totally was! but that didn't make my theory wrong! I felt just like that one chick in that story... they named "crossiants" after her and also Sandra Dee, or at least that's what my mom said once, but she said a lot of things that were just wackety jokes that I took seriously. But I remember Crossantra because you could tell how much it sucked to be the only one who knew the truth and no one believed her!
I kept looking and looking for the real Dot... surely under her guerrilla fighter trip, her talk of expediency, her paranoia, she wouldn't just write me off. She'd help me! But no. She was a different person, cold and mean. And not gay. And she never had a kid in that universe. But even with all that... I could not believe she didn't love me...
What if I died in this real universe and Dot didn't care? What if she goes bad somehow and makes bad decisions? I have to make sure she understands that being evil can happen to her anytime and she needs to watch out.
Networking (monique, ned sicced on Vampster)