Mint chocolate Chip
That was so fucked up!!!!!!11111!!!!!
Monique's demo crashed hard ... it just said "loading alternate database...." and Ned started freaking! Everything was swirling around all crazy. Kind of like it is now. I got some good sleeping pills out of Roberta's purse, yo.
Then we were somewhere else... years in the future? Morlocks? No, zombies... this was clearly a different universe, an alternate reality timeline! Me and Carlos and Roberta were here, and .... everything was different. I googled myself, and I was dead! Oh man! And Dot didn't care, and she was mad at me, and all harsh and bitchy. The horriblest thing beside me being dead and my sister hating me was Iffy... she was all "i cannot use contractions" robot uptight. Painful to see... I mean she was my girlfriend! Even her bitchiness ... and i swear it was still in there underneath the robot layer... Iffy as a slave machine. What a nightmare.
Nobody listened to my theory of what happened for the longest time! you would think they had never seen that one episode of star trek where kirk meets bad kirk and the dog has little antennas! I kept explaining it! And they kept looking at me like i was on drugs! And I totally was! but that didn't make my theory wrong! I felt just like that one chick in that story... they named "crossiants" after her and also Sandra Dee, or at least that's what my mom said once, but she said a lot of things that were just wackety jokes that I took seriously. But I remember Crossantra because you could tell how much it sucked to be the only one who knew the truth and no one believed her!
I kept looking and looking for the real Dot... surely under her guerrilla fighter trip, her talk of expediency, her paranoia, she wouldn't just write me off. She'd help me! But no. She was a different person, cold and mean. And not gay. And she never had a kid in that universe. But even with all that... I could not believe she didn't love me...
What if I died in this real universe and Dot didn't care? What if she goes bad somehow and makes bad decisions? I have to make sure she understands that being evil can happen to her anytime and she needs to watch out.
Networking (monique, ned sicced on Vampster)
Dooood. It's been a long time since I've blogged anything. its totally nuts. I was so happy and now i have 2 say i'm on a huge bummer. Am trying to rmeember to meditate and also turn to my art and stuff. I mashed up jem and the smiths the other night. "Save Me" and "What difference does it make" which came out really sad but good and soulful. I think John Lee Hooker would totally approve of my blues.
I cant believe I. broke up with me. Wow that looks really sort of profound. I broke with me. Dude.
Oh my god it sucks. I just think... you know... honestly... She is so cool and full of life but she is obsessed with death. She hasn't really taken the steps to come back into life and I just had no idea how to talk with her about it. Like... it just sounds like nagging to say "you need a job. and a place to live. and something to do that you care about. " If i said anything that might be possible she was always jsut going on about "well I can't can I, because I'm dead." hello even if you're dead you have to accept that and adapt to it and just change your life.
but no it's all about me in her mind and that she is just tough and won't put up with my flirting with other people. we're not old enough to be tied down! at least I'm not.
It's like instead of finding herself she wants me to be her reality, she would rather just drift and cling to me. So i'm sad and no one could have a more kick ass lovely smart brave girlfriend but maybe she will figure out who she is now in her new life. maybe we will get another chance someday... i love her a lot... I'll never find another girl like her... all the sad songs i've ever heard are running thru my head and they are not sad enough...
meanwhile certain OTHER people are not telling OTHER people things that they really SHOULD if they are serious. People who are older and should know better. Everyone thinks I tell everything but I don't! I just think people should trust each other!
barely legal?
I wonder if there are any laws about... well hypothetically what if there were a sort of cyber intelligence or AI and they were just born, how old would they be?
What I mean is, if you created a sort of sexy Wintermute, like that guy in the myth who made the statue (her name was Galactica or something like that) how long would you have to wait until you could get it on? I mean aside from the issues of being Wintermute's mom or dad or whatever, which would make it gross. But say your FRIEND or even maybe your enemy made a hottie Wintermute and then you had a crush on him/her/it. Would that be like stat rape? How long before an AI is no longer jailbait?
Since they think faster maybe time is different and they grow up quicker than humans. But also, what if you started out as, say, a 13 year old, and then became super enhanced mentally?
I'm just asking... it's all hypothetical.. but I would not want to even imagine anything that would be really gross like that. Like when I had that crush on Wednesday from the Addams family but then realized that was gross, because, she was like 10, and I was 16, and that was just wrong even though it was sort of like the 10 year old in me having a crush on her.
The Uncool of Cool
You know, when some people you know that you want to mess around with then end up messing around with each OTHER and you get the feeling it's too late for you ever to get anywhere with either ONE of them... and then you just feel dumb for liking either one of them... v. uncool!
I would not have hit on a certain one of them because of her situation because I would never take advantage of anyone like that! Unlike a certain other one of them who apparently WOULD take advantage of the other one when she is down and strung out or high as a kite and who despite this lack of cool is still really cool in a dangerous don't fuck with me it's all under control guy in trench coat and sunglasses sort of way who might possibly be a switch hitter but it's hard to tell... there is nothing sexier than someone who seems really sure of themself and is really powerful! He has such a dangerous edge. I am sure he is a scorpio and I always fall for that... so stupid of me... gemini and scorpio never works out!
Some people just don't know how to behave or what is good for them or what COULD be good for them.
But that is fate. I guess I won't worry too much about it. They are good friends anyway...
but *sigh* Nobody seems to like the nice guys!
It's not like there aren't other cute people around. Actually I have a huge huge crush on this one... um... person... or entity... or... something like that... being? I mean clearly she is being jacked around. She would probably really appreciate a guy who would be really nice to her and not just use her. That would be me. Cute... beyond cute. Powerful... check. Smart... well how can someone like that not be smart? I wonder if she likes to dance? I am composing a really great track just for her to express my feelings about her and I will call it "Live Forever Light". I read "King Rat" and it would be like the perfect musical antidote for the evil mind controlling DJ music that was coldly perfect and like the pied piper. Instead it would be like the organic forces of love melding perfectly with the beauty and perfection of machinery and circuitry and holographic science but not in a bad way that destroys anything, in a nice simultaneous way, like the way that light is a wave and a particle at the same time, which I actually feel like I understand sometimes, like the other night on that blue star blotter acid while I was listening to Satyagraha mixed with Trent Reznor singing "Like a Virgin" and the Bangles while I was looking at my old Lisa Frank sticker collection. I wonder if she likes
Lisa Frank? Maybe I will ask her to come to next week's Modern Micro Midnite Mass at Club E.

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
Dude. I feel like I am waking up out of some kind of weird mental haze. I think I should do more yoga and avoid stress, or something. I remember killing some vampires? And driving really fast to Santa Barbara or somewhere? And drinking a lot of coffee. What just happened? Maybe I partied too hard on Halloween.
To do:
- wax motorcycle
- go to yoga class
- go to Vinyl Heaven, look for that list of albums
- buy: frozen pizzas, burritos, coffee
- Talk to D., replenish hash, X, coke, weed supply, get more thai stick
- lay down new tracks on Album-a-Go-Go with EvilZ and the guys
- talk to
Midian Mortis
crazy aliens love to vote!
That's what I thought it was when that chick came floating out of the sky - aliens. Crazily I started hearing the lines from that book, I think it's Dr. Seuss, "In the dark, in the park, we will call him Clark". Well we called him Cletus instead - but then we called him dead. I think I could make a song about it. Maybe Tiff would let me record her doing some kind of spooky gregorian chant thing. Anyway, I wish it had been aliens but instead it was some kind of demon. I don't even remember WHAT happened but my sister Dot kicked ass and there was some blood and also that weird guy Ben David in a fancy car. He seemed like he might be cool but then turned out to be an asshole. Not friendly at all! Drake is much nicer and has that same aura like he could just snap his fingers and an army of robots and kung fu guys would just materialize and do whatever he said. he is kind of sexy actually... i hope dot is NOT reading this... she would yell at me for wanting to get it on with a client. I'm just THINKING about it dot, it's totally harmless!
The new office has tons of space! We could have the best parties! I was thinking I could live there too. There is room for all my gear and my burning man stuff and I could build a cool loft for my bed and have a rope ladder up to it!
The ride down was a blast - we were racing with Dot (me in the cool car with Tiff!) And we got stopped by a cop and he was also one of the pod people! They made me watch TV so I was feeling that creepy "everything's okay, vote for that dude" feeling too. We had a police escort all the way to SLO...
Stuck in parking lot now though because Tiff blew through all my really fucking expensive blow and says she is too excited to drive. WTF. There is no such thing as too cranked up to drive. It just makes you drive
better. at least i have my hiptop with me and can blog about the whole thing.
Don't forget to get out there and vote, vote, vote for YOU KNOW WHO.

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
and I was all like, do you want CHIPs with that?
It's almost like the old days, but no Webvan deliveries to work, fuckin' A. I was starting to think it was a mistake to have dropped out of UC Santa Cruz my first semester for that job at i-BS. I mean, when they went under I didn't have a job for almost two months! It was like we were all total losers. Like all the total losers who had to move back to Indiana or wherever and live in their mom's basements. Thank god my mom doesnt' have a basement! Dude, thank Buddha I have my art! And I don't mean my friend Art-Bob. I spin with the best, DJ Minty Chip!
There should be a cool holiday like thanksgiving except, for Buddha!
Well this new idea is the best. After all that weird shit that happened ... I mean my sister STICKS VAMPIRES THROUGH THE HEART. Lobachevsky, that weird fucking file sharing virus thingie, and it was DEMONS. Okay maybe I shouldn't have taken that second tab because I'm totally tripping out right now and the letters are all wiggly.
Yeah! that's the way I like it! I just had this great idea and have to keep writing because it would suck to forget that there should totally be an MC 900 foot jesus song about Buddha and thanksgiving and instead of eating a lot of turkey there woudl just be great tunes and a lot of drugs and some people dancing and everyone could wear Buddha outfits. Note to self, what does Buddha wear? A loincloth??? Look this up later when not high.
Anyway we set up our company. max was all like "we dont' want to sell STUFF we want to sell a service." Damn she is smart. Like stuff that would protect your computer from demons. But then
my sister Dot wants to get all medieval on the vampires. I think she likes killing things. Roberta ponied up the dough and we are SET and then I met that girl Tiff on the wharf and there were those guys with machine guns and Drake who turns out to be super cool, and the horrible vampire things coming after us. Dude that one vampire totally groped my tit rings. IT HURT and I think I have some kind of infection. Tiff should have taken the altoids i was trying to give her because they were spikEd if you know what I mean. SHE turns out to be a slayer and the vampires turn into dust. Poof! (Note to self: could snort vampire dust? Is this cannibalism? Ask Max.)
The shootout in the El Grullense was NOT COOL except for when Dot did a flip and kicked that one chick in the leather and I guess staked her in the heart AGAIN but I missed that part, but also, I made a great joke when I smeared the extra garlicky hot salsa in that dude's eyes and yelled "If you are gonna eat CHIP (me) then have some extra garlicky hot SALSA to go with it!" Then the cops came and were pointing guns at us and it was actually not really scary because i was you know in the State of Alterity or Alterdness, not to sound like a fixed cat or anything, and had just watched some vampires go POOF into little piles of dust and the guns were all shiny and pointing right at me. It was like if they really had shot at me I would see the bullet coming at me in slow motion and I would just casually duck out of the way.... But Drake just waved his hand and the police were kissing his ass and they seemed to know him. I think he could probably duck the bullets even if not high???!!!
Too much happened after that to even go into. But we got a contract! A big contract! Roberta actually seemed to LIKE Tiff, i did not think it possible but she was all showing her all the power point presentations. Tiff... she is so mercurial, i wonder if she is a gemini? Sometimes she is nice and sometimes... well... lets just say sometimes she reminds me more of Dot who really needs cheering up! What does it mean to be a Rules Girl? Maybe I should have stayed in college and I would get references like this. Does it have something to do with the constitution? Or shakespeare maybe? Or does it mean she is into sports? Maybe she will watch Shaolin Soccer with me...